The Quad Prep development team is excited to announce that as of October 15, the Annual Appeal is officially launched! The school has already raised a few thousand dollars with the soft launch last week, and is looking forward to building the momentum and successfully reaching campaign goals!
This is the yearly campaign where The Quad Prep reaches out to it's community, and invites members to give a gift in support of the school's mission: to transform the lives of twice-exceptional students by redefining the experience of school. Quad Prep is growing and flourishing, and needs parents, staff, and community members to give generously to help reach it's goals.
To give, visit
This year’s Annual Appeal is a nine week campaign running from October 15 to December 21. With a goal to raise $150,000 (last year it was $50,000) and of 100% participation from families, staff, and our board of directors, Quad Prep needs everybody's support. This campaign’s purpose is both to raise important funds for initiatives and supplies which are not covered by tuition and to build a sense of pride and ownership for the school’s success within it's community. It is designed to organize families, staff and friends around the totality of The Quad Prep’s mission.
A gift to the Annual Appeal, is a vote of confidence in the importance of the school model, the effectiveness of the staff, and the need for new approaches to educating and developing 2e kids.
"We are excited to be ramping up this campaign as we enter the holiday season," said Founder, Kim Busi.
The development team adds that there is a new way for Quad Prep families and staff to participate in the Annual Appeal; an email friend-of-friend campaign, called “My Quad Prep!” Members can share what Quad Prep means to them and invite friends and family to donate their personal campaign.
Stay tuned for more communications from the development team. To join the friend-of-friend campaign, email development assistant Christal Perdomo at With other development related questions, reach director of development Brigid Mitchel at!