Quad Prep in the Press
May 6, 2019: The Hechinger Report/KQED News
Twice-exceptional, doubly disadvantaged? How schools struggle to serve gifted students with disabilities (here)
April 3, 2019: The New York Post
Post Focus on Commercial Real Estate (announcement of new Quad Prep Upper School Location at 19 Pine Street) (here)
January 25, 2018: Scientific America
The Twice-Exceptional Movement: Supporting Bright and Creative Students with Learning Difficulties
August 24, 2016: Huffington Post
When Your Child Is Exceptional (Twice)
August 10, 2016: Wall Street Journal
What’s the Deal: Prep School Signs Sublease to Expand Downtown
May 15, 2015: Brown Medicine Magazine
The Second Power
How Gifted and Talented Programs are Failing our Kids
This is What Cutting Edge Looks Like in a School