Every single day at the Quad Preparatory School, we strive to fulfill our mission of transforming the lives of twice-exceptional students – gifted children with learning differences – by redefining the experience of school.
We strive for 2equality.
Quad Prep’s unparalleled and personalized model fully integrates social and emotional learning with engaging academics, allowing students to equally nurture academic gifts and receive the supports they need to address their special needs. Through a vigorous and constant commitment to the integration of academics and social-emotional learning, It’s never an “either or” proposition at the Quad Prep. The result is incredible things which can be seen – in ways both big and small – in our classrooms and in the daily lives of our students beyond school.
We deliver on the promise of 2equality every single day by providing our students with an environment where obstacles turn into opportunities and where support ultimately leads to success. Beyond our walls, we are having a national impact on the field by sharing our innovations and approach far and wide.
Over the past six years, the demand for the type of innovative education we offer at Quad Prep has only grown and we are doing everything we can to respond to that need without compromising the quality and the individualized approach we provide to every single student in our community.
Thanks to generous financial support to date and our continued efforts to raise the bar, next year the Quad Prep will open our state-of-the-art Upper School at 19 Cedar Street, right around the corner from our current home at 25 Pine Street, which will continue to house our Early Childhood and Lower School Divisions. We will also continue to expand our footprint through our 2e certificate program and annual conference, Breakthroughs in Twice-Exceptional Education, ensuring more students, families, educators, and communities can benefit from the model Quad Prep is pioneering.
The 2019 Founder’s Gala on Monday, June 3rd will celebrate our achievements thus far in creating 2equality for our learners and it will propel our growth and work for the future. We are delighted to be presenting our Founder’s Award to QP parent Jennifer Carpenter, Principal at Verona Carpenter Architects, and Quad Prep Board President, for her tireless and energetic commitment to growing our school and model since the beginning. We are also happy to be honoring two attorneys from the firm Ropes & Gray, Rebecca Dorfan, and David Kaye, who worked with us on a pro-bono basis and ensured that we were able to secure our new Upper School home. With their help we are making great strides to fulfill our big vision.
Just like our students, the potential for what we can do is limitless and we committed to doing whatever we can to unleash it. Join us in this inspiring journey by supporting our gala which is our biggest and most important annual fundraising event. Let’s ensure a bright future for our children, our school and this incredible community we have built together.